Tuesday, March 23, 2010

sleepless night

Around 0130 last night Cole decided to sneak into my room and scared the bejeezus out of me. To simply ask if he could sleep in our bed. Often when Mike is working, one of the kids is in our bed.

As the night went by I found myself awake many times and woke-up this morning a little tired due to....

Not only did Cole sleep in our bed last night.

He slept sidewides with my favorite little feet in my side!!

He slept right smack up behind my back
where I found I could not turn at all!!

He decided to take all his covers off and
then decided to take mine off as well!!

Finally, I said Cole scoot over or go get back in your own bed!! He found the other side of the bed and we found sleep!!

And I wouldn't change a thing about it!!!

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