Sunday, February 7, 2010

mmmm mmmm good!!!

Today Lauren has been hit with the GI bug. Let's hope it is just the little 24 bug!! So for supper I made her some soup and a sandwich...............

"Mmmmmmm, this is so good mom. What is it?? Hot Pasta??"

"No honey, it is just Chicken Noodle Soup"

"Well, mom..... you are a really really good cook!!"

"Thanks babe!!

hahahahahahahahahah - Thanks Campbell Soup!! I thought I was going to have to get that girl a shovel!!


Adoptive Momma said...

Good luck, I hope no one else in your house gets it. We've all had it. Lasts about 24 hrs except or me it was 48 hrs...awesome. I thought I might be dying.

Jeff & Tisha said...

I love Campbell's Chicken Noodle soup! Even when I'm not sick lol! Hope she gets to feeling better quick and no one else gets it!