Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick or Treat

Halloween 2008We meant up with their cousins at Great-Grandma's house

Lauren started out saying she wanted to be a pumpkin fairy, so we got all that together, but when we went to get Colton's Spiderman costume. She so sweetly said, "Mom, I want to match Colton" How could I refuse!!
So here are my two Superheros!!!

Halloween was so much fun this year.
Colton was really into it and Lauren enjoyed showing him the ropes!!
As we arrived at one house two scary looking boys came out and Colton wasn't too sure about knocking on the doors after that. So he would stay back and let Lauren do the knocking. When the people would arrive at the door he would say, " you not scary" and up he went to check out the candy dish. They were good little treaters!! I can't wait until next year!!


Adoptive Momma said...

They look so cute!

Val said...

Great to see you got your blog up and running - the kids are too cute - can't wait to see more!!